Eliza Jane Bio
Eliza Jane Morley, nee Taylor-Cotter, was born on 24 October 1989. She is professionally known as Eliza Taylor. Her credits include Janae Timmins (2005-08) on the Australian soap show Neighbours and Clarke Griffin (2014-2020) on The CW drama series The 100. Taylor was born in Melbourne and has three siblings with two sisters and a brother. Her mother is an author as well as graphic designer. her step-father was a stand-up comedian, and her father owned cafes in Melbourne. Taylor was aspired to be a marine biologist as a child. Like the majority of Australian actors, Taylor made her breakthrough on the Australian soap drama Neighbours. She was offered the role Janae Timmins following her appearance as a guest in 2003.Taylor initially auditioned for the role of Lana Crawford, however, it was actress Bridget Neval who was eventually cast.In 2007, Nell Feeney and Sianoa Smit-McPhee who played Taylor's on-screen mother Janelle Timmins, and her sister Bree Timmins, were written out by the executive producer Ric Pellizzeri. It was later confirmed that they wanted Taylor to remain in the show as Janae.Later in the year, Taylor decided to quit the series to pursue other ventures such as pantomime and a further career in the USA. Taylor's decision to leave the show was made possible due to the fact that her entire on-screen family was eliminated, and the new cast members gave the show an entirely different vibe. She added, "It just didn’t feel like the family I had when I first started the show three years ago." Taylor was one of the cast members who left the show at the same time. She completed her final studio scenes in 2007, and her final episode aired on 8 February 2008. Taylor was awarded the award for Best Female at the 2007 Inside Soap Awards.

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